Garden Kimona

Garden Kimona

Saturday, February 27, 2010


At dinner we talked about what blogs are for. I still do not know but we will keep typing. You've heard stream of awareness before so maybe blogging means you are still alive and communicating.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

This morning about 4:pm the almost full moon was going down over the lake. Priceless! This is why we live here . Right?

Monday, February 8, 2010


I started this blog but could not think of what to say. Maybe I'm shy. Anyway, after watching Julia,Julie I said I can do this.

They say no tax increase but about the fact that state road money has been going down. A four cent a gal tax would only restore the funds so really not an increase. We need the infrastructure.

They say that corporations have rights but with no morals or ethics. They have the right to buy any election I guess.